By Jared Correia Legal practice is powered by documents. But law firms continue to struggle with document management, especially as the use of cloud software and paperless workflows become the norm.
In this stirring episode of the NonEventcast, I talk over the use case for document management software in legal, with three experts in the field: Cain Elliott of Filevine, Jenni Davenport of WealthCounsel, and Chris Cangero of DocStyle.
We start by answering perhaps the most important and divisive question of all: What’s your favorite font (3:27)? Next, we cover document management best practices (12:24), and future trends in the space. We also spend some time discussing template management tactics (21:20).
If your document management processes are still a work in progress, this podcast is an essential listen. And if you’d like to research the best in legal document management software, visit the Non-Event or download our free buyers guide with the form at the bottom of this post.
Episode Resources
ATL Non-Event, Document Management, Jared Correia, Legal Technology, Non-Event, Non-Eventcast, Practice management, Small Law Firms, Technology
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