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Accounting & Audit
The alliance will enable accounting firms and professionals to easily access and securely share sensitive client documents directly within …
Dec. 06, 2022
Right Networks, the only intelligent accounting cloud, has announced a new partnership with SmartVault, a provider of document management and secure file sharing for the accounting profession. The alliance will enable accounting firms and professionals to easily access and securely share sensitive client documents directly within their fully managed cloud environments from Right Networks.
“For us, security is our number one priority, and having both SmartVault and Right Networks gives me peace of mind that my data and my clients’ data is secure and easily accessible in the cloud,” said Caleb Jenkins, EA, CQP, Leader of Client Accounting Services at RLJ Financial Services, Inc. “Right Networks enables us to run our more powerful desktop-based software applications in the cloud and acts as a data bridge and connector to other cloud applications. At the same time, SmartVault enables us to integrate with other apps, reducing security risks by preventing documents from being shared via email.”
Accountants Can Work More Securely and Efficiently in the Cloud with Right Networks and SmartVault
SmartVault can now be purchased directly from Right Networks as part of its intelligent accounting cloud, giving accounting firms and professionals the critical tools needed to operate in the cloud securely, easily and efficiently.
“SmartVault and Right Networks are both on a mission to deliver purpose-built solutions to accounting firms and their clients,” said Gary Engel, Executive Vice President of Cloud Products at Right Networks. “We are excited to partner with a team that shares the same vision for moving the accounting industry forward through innovation.”
SmartVault document management software enables firms to standardize their document-based workflows, supporting cost reduction, increased productivity and the ability to deliver higher service levels to their clients. Email is still widely used in the profession to route documents. A document management system like SmartVault, paired with Right Networks, offers firms a far more secure way to request, store, e-sign and share files—enabling the business controls required across the full document lifecycle. This is an essential component of meeting regulatory compliance mandates.
“Partnering with Right Networks creates a powerful synergy that further supports the unique security and workflow needs of the accounting profession. We are confident that it will continuously improve the everyday lives of our customers and their clients,” said Dania Buchanan, President of SmartVault. “The feedback from our shared customers is already proving that the pairing of our solutions delivers clear value and satisfies the need for business efficiency and higher levels of security when working with documents.”
To learn more about the Right Networks and SmartVault partnership or to see the integration in action, visit the Right Networks booth (#C23) and SmartVault booth (#B12) at QuickBooks Connect 2022.
Accounting & Audit
Jason Bramwell
Accounting & Audit
Accounting & Audit
Jason Bramwell
Accounting & Audit
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