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Small Business
The Neat Company, a provider of small business bookkeeping automation and document management, has added new capabilities to its financial management platform. Neat now gives small business owners even more options with respect to exporting their …
May. 19, 2022
The Neat Company, a provider of small business bookkeeping automation and document management, has added new capabilities to its financial management platform. Neat now gives small business owners even more options with respect to exporting their financial data, and more capabilities available through its mobile app.
Since its initial launch in 2021, Neat’s all-in-one financial management platform continues to reimagine how small business bookkeeping is accomplished and enables small business owners – with years doing their own bookkeeping or with no accounting expertise at all – to quickly and confidently manage their books and keep business finances in order. The all-encompassing Neat platform helps small business owners simplify the process of organizing and automating their small business bookkeeping, invoicing, and document management.
“When I was a small business owner, I saw firsthand how bookkeeping can seem like a distraction, and learned that traditional small business accounting software can feel overwhelming while homegrown spreadsheets were both limiting and time-consuming,” explains Garrett Baird, President & CEO of The Neat Company. “Neat recognized that, too, and has condensed and clarified the bookkeeping process into an uncomplicated and easy-to-use all-in-one platform designed specifically for small businesses.”
With these latest enhancements, The Neat Company continues to simplify small business bookkeeping by making Neat even more user-friendly, intuitive, and versatile. “Our new enhancements give business owners without advanced accounting knowledge the ability to manage their books wherever they are and get back to the work of growing their businesses instead of struggling with record-keeping and complex interfaces,” Baird added.
Key new capabilities added to Neat include:
These Neat enhancements are in support of The Neat Company’s mission to deliver a holistic, all-in-one financial management software experience for its customers. The new enhancements are just some examples of what the product team works to develop and refine every day.
Neat is priced at $288 for an annual subscription ($24/month) or $29 month to month with a 30-day money back guarantee. Try Neat for free for 15 days at www.neat.com.
Small Business
Brian Tankersley, CPA.CITP, CGMA
Randy Johnston
Small Business
Small Business
Small Business
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