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Legal departments will grow as your company grows and your business scales. Sometimes business upscale can happen rapidly, and it is always beneficial to be prepared. This helps you stay organized and on track when you are scaling different departments, including the legal department. To properly scale your legal department, there are a few steps to take into consideration.
When it is time to scale your legal department, it is crucial to see what the current processes are like, and which tools can better impact these internal processes. This overall understanding will help you decide what changes you need to make to properly scale the department. To begin with, here are some basic tools you can evaluate:
Once you have identified the impact of each tool on your internal legal process, it is crucial to collaborate with stakeholders across your tech stack. This helps you understand their processes and what tools they use. As a first step, you will need to reach out to every department in your company that you collaborate with as a legal team to understand the kind of tools, software, and tech they use. Understanding their processes and tools will help you build your company's tech stack to be more cohesive and collaborative.
Once you have a full overview of the tech stack of the company's operations, it is time to consider the value of each potential tool and run a cost-benefit analysis. Investing in the right tech stack when you are scaling your business can build a good foundation for your company's future. A common error most companies make during scaling is building their software and tech internally due to budget constraints or other reasons.
If you build your tools internally, you will eventually be playing catch-up and fall behind. Instead, investing in good software and building a strong tech stack allows you to grow with the evolving world of technology. Legal technology is becoming more important every day and choosing the right legal tech tools is critical to your business growth.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
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