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Adobe Sign vs DocuSign: Which tool is best for your business?
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Compare key features of top digital signature tools Adobe Sign and DocuSign for your company’s operations and documentation needs.
As businesses continue to cut down on their waste and the cost of paper they use for business operations, e-signature software tools have become crucial in the document signing process for many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Adobe Sign and DocuSign are two digital signature tools that have facilitated business management through the creation, automation and signing of digital documents.
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Adobe Sign is a member of the Adobe cloud platforms and is widely regarded as the industry standard for online signatures. Adobe Sign integrates with various corporate software and offers a streamlined user experience.
With Adobe Sign, individuals or business departments can easily create, send, and track digital signature forms. This digital signature software tool sends documents for signatures quickly and securely without asking recipients to print and scan them.
DocuSign is a very popular online signature tool for both individuals and businesses. It features geolocation capture and real-time progress reporting that allows you to develop templates and workflows, have access to comprehensive analytics and obtain secure online signatures.
This e-signature software also works well with Google Drive, Dropbox, Salesforce and several other popular services, allowing users to sign documents on almost any device.
Both digital signature tools offer a good list of integration with powerful companies, making it easy to use other business-related software within their tools. For instance, Adobe Sign has seamless integration with Microsoft and other CRMs and HR software tools. Although, gaining access to these powerful integrations will require that you subscribe to the Adobe Sign Enterprise pricing option.
On the other hand, DocuSign offers more lists of integrations with native software tools, including Microsoft. This means that in addition to offering all the integrations within Adobe Sign, DocuSign offers more. By browsing through the extensive integration library in DocuSign, you’re more likely to find your preferred native integration solution than in Adobe Sign. What’s more, you can also access some of these integrations at a lower cost than Adobe Sign.
Businesses will always want to maintain and project their brand regardless of the adoption they make. Both DocuSign and Adobe Sign offer businesses the flexibility to customize their documents and brand them effortlessly within their tool. However, this business branding option is open to business-level subscribers.
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Each solution’s customization options include business taglines, logos and other custom business messages in addition to the ability to create a company profile that will allow businesses to set up their company details, colors and other necessary brand information. This feature gives businesses absolute control over their documents and how they should appear. This difference is that Adobe Sign offers better menu options for its customization and at a lower price, while DocuSign is more complicated in its customization offerings.
Information security is crucial for business management, as a compromise in information could lead to fatal consequences. Hence, both digital signature tools adhere to standard security policies in handling your documents and information.
Although both tools ensure the secure handling of documents, DocuSign is more transparent in how they do this. For example, they have a security brief that details how they secure your document to prevent information leaks and tampering, while Adobe Sign does not.
Choosing between Adobe Sign and DocuSign will depend on individual preferences, as both tools offer adequate e-signature solutions.
Adobe Sign fits better for smaller business organizations and individuals looking for a simple document signing solution. From the simple menu layout to the drag-and-drop interfaces, Adobe Sign is easy to handle for basic digital document signing operations without the need for many native software integrations. Moreover, Adobe Sign offers payment solution integrations for a small fee, unlike DocuSign, which offers this solution at a higher rate.
On the other hand, for larger business organizations that use many software tools, DocuSign will be a better fit. You should also choose DocuSign if your organization signs many digital documents frequently. With powerful analytics features, DocuSign will help you track the progress of your document with detailed analytics. This enhances productivity as you can easily monitor where all your documents are and hasten your employees to act on them.
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Adobe Sign vs DocuSign: Which tool is best for your business?
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