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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Innovation and Technological Breakthrough

It can scan and convert your paper files and archive them together with your existing Microsoft Office® documents, and emails, all in one.
Secure Your Digital Documents

Strong Document Management System With Digital Concept

Our Featured Services That We Provide In Document Management

Improve staff productivity, reduce costs related to the manual document, Promote the sharing of data and knowledge, Enhance corporate transparency and governance, E-mail and fax files instantly, Access documents while traveling, Publish documents to USB, DVD, or online, as appropriate





Capture of documents for bringing them into the system

01.Imaging or Scanning: The scanner should preferably have both flat bat and ADF (Automatic Document Feeder)

02.Scanners Speed: can handle 10 to 200 pages per minute.

03.Scanning scale: 100%. Resolution standard:

04. Normally scanning at 200 dpi is suggested, The maximum dpi limit is often up to 600.

A Powerful Process

From small to large organizations, IT Zone DMS helps manage the information lifecycle by locating, capturing and storing information, automating business processes and improving efficiency.

Administrative Control


The DMS allows introducing changes to the system only to the authorized users.

Only those with valid password and login can retrieve information from the documents what makes the system a secured place for confidential and fragile data.

From small to large organizations, IT ZONE PAKISTAN helps manage the information lifecycle by locating, capturing and storing information, automating business processes and improving efficiency.

Simply upload your electronic office documents and emails directly into IT Zone DMS cabinets, submit via document forms or place into special.

Reduced document storage costs

In our DMS, all the documents are stored in the form of electronic files on a server. This format eliminates the maintenance cost of cupboard archives.

Improved Work-Flow

Multi-step document validation and approval workflow improves efficiency with your business processes. More effective processing of documents like invoices, debt collection and other cash-related documents helps to control the flow of cash in the organization.

Improved Internal Communication

By facilitating access to all information contained in documents within the company, the managerial processes become more effective and the workflow is smoother.

Easy administration of information

Easy access to information stored in diverse documents facilitates the workflow because it enables the retrieval of necessary documents in as many copies as needed.

Intellectual Capital

As all documents are in electronic versions it is easy to share them within other coworkers and therefore pass the knowledge and improve the workflow.

Disaster Recovery

All files are scanned, stored and backed-up in the electronic version what protects them from physical damage.

Document Management System (DMS)
Your Gateway to Efficiency

IT Zone Pakistan is a server-based electronic document management system designed for people who don’t have time to manage documents.

it zone
AGE CablesCountry Manager Pakistan
We have been using DMS System for over a year. It is an effective and scalable document management system that has allowed people in a simple way to store, use, and share files in the cloud. I am happy to recommend Document Archiving and DMS System.

The capture of documents for bringing them into the system storing and archiving methods

Indexing and retrieving tools for document search Distribution for exporting documents from the systems Security to guard documents against authorized access Audit trails

Digitally transform your business with document imaging – our scanning services convert your paper documents into an electronic archive, ensuring everything you want is stored securely and makes retrieving your files quick and straight forward.




planning & strategy

Appropriately productivate distributed infrastructures for one-to-one expertise.

design & develop

Credibly develop cross functional internal or "organic" sources vis-a-vis magnetic e-services.

test & deliver

Continually promote empowered resources for professional manufactured products.