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Firm Management
In this issue of CPA Practice Advisor, we reviewed both document storage and document management systems, with a features chart included with the review.
Mary Girsch-Bock
Sep. 21, 2020
Paper takes over the world. It sounds like a bad science fiction movie, but in some offices, it isn’t much of an exaggeration. In paper driven industries like accounting and banking, paper is still in charge.
That is changing. As more offices discover the benefits of a paperless office, more are making the switch to paperless. After all, will anyone really miss the lost hours spent searching for a document, only to find it buried in a stack of papers in the copy room? Or the numerous papercuts received from pulling paper files out of an overstuffed file cabinet?
Then there’s the matter of time. Or more accurately, time wasted. You likely hired your assistant to actually assist you, but how much time does your assistant spend making copies, filing copies, or searching for missing copies? And what about you? Have you found yourself wasting a day’s worth of productivity because you misplaced a document or a file? Have you made the dreaded phone call to a client, asking to have a document resent that you know you had, but today, have no idea where it is? Again, who hasn’t?
The task of accounting is important, to you and to your clients. They entrust you with their livelihood in many ways, and the image you want to present to them is not one of disorganization. If paper is threatening to take over your life, you’re not alone. Millions of dollars are spent annually in operating costs just looking for lost documents.

If you’re ready to demolish that stack of papers once and for all, be aware that there are two types of document management systems available: Document Storage, which is designed for electronic storage of all documents, including document organization and easy retrieval, and Document Management, which also includes nifty features like version control, that ensures that the document you’re accessing is the latest, greatest version of the document. Document management systems also typically include document archiving and annotation ability, with both coming in handy for CPA firms.
In this issue of CPA Practice Advisor, we reviewed both document storage and document management systems, with a features chart included with the review. The products we reviewed include:
Document Storage
Document Management
We also looked at a couple of document management systems that are included as part of a broader software system:
Many of these applications also offer a free demo so check a few of them out and see which ones feel right.
If you’re tired of spending your days searching for the elusive missing document, why not start managing documents smarter with a document management system? Your staff and your clients will thank you.
How often do we start and end our days in the same fashion? Our personal groundhog days see us rising at a particular time, checking on the weather either electronically or by peeking out the window, cleaning, dressing, and …
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